JACKKNIFE COMEDY is a rad monthly stand up show, hosted and produced by two dummies from Iowa, Gideon Hambright and Patrick Hastie. Every month they pick eight of their favorite comedians to come and do a set.
The lineup for JACKKNIFE COMEDY at Slate is:
Kari Burt (Queerty LOL),
Dan Wilbur (McSweeny's),
Mara Wiles (Vice),
Ismael Loutfi (Jimmy Kimmel Live),
Lizzy Cassidy (Sirius XM),
Ben Katzner (Buzzfeed),
Alison Leiby (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel) and
Jared Goldstein (Black Mirror).
Doors open at 7 pm and the comedy begins at 8 pm with a full food and drink menu offered during the celebration